Nukker Kukeke

The band, which started its activity in 2002, has performed at hundreds of venues. Over that time, the group has evolved and become smarter, changed its members, instruments and repertoire. Only the lead singer remains from the beginning, as well as the band’s somewhat ironic name – Nukker Kukeke (The Sad Cock-a-doodle). 

Over the years, we have performed all over Estonia, venturing from the Narva castle to the Sõrve peninsula, gracing anything from someone’s 10th birthday to the pensioners’ reunion or a village funeral with our presence. We have performed in Latvia and issued a record. At the beginning of the band’s career, a keyboard made its memorable entrance and exit in our midst, but otherwise, we have stuck to the classic rock band composition, accompanied by polyphonic vocal, diverse song selection and stage choreography.

You may enjoy our versions of the best dance hits from near and distant past, as well as pop music masterpieces. We can be trusted to deliver every piece with a unique touch, be it a quirky arrangement, strange lyrics (I forgot, what can you do!), peculiar musical choices (it’s because we’re so creative, you see), or the brutal violation of dance music tradition – all to the ovations of the satisfied audience.

 We are not featured on the radio, we do not compete to represent Estonia at Eurovision, we are long beyond being summoned in front of a certification committee, we restrain ourselves from stirring scandal on the pages of society magazines. We simply perform music to the pleasure of people and ourselves. With emotion!